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Five Sciences Faculty Honored With University Professorships

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Five faculty members in the College of Sciences at NC State have been honored by the university with professorships of distinction that recognize outstanding scholarly work.

Lubos Mitas was named Distinguished University Professor of Physics, and Ralph Smith was named Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics. They were recognized for meeting all the criteria for Distinguished Professors (listed below), as well as improving the quality of NC State and serving its mission through service and involvement in the campus community.

Subhashis Ghoshal of the Department of Statistics, Seth Sullivant of the Department of Mathematics and Sandra Yuter of the Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences were named Distinguished Professors. Each was honored for achieving recognition well above the criteria for a full professor and for achieving status as some of the finest scholars in their fields.

More information about the winners:

Lubos MitasMitas is known for pioneering high-accuracy calculations of atoms, molecules, clusters and solids by quantum Monte Carlo methods, analysis of many-body nodes of fermion states and applications of pairing wave functions to electronic structure. He joined the NC State faculty in 2000.

Ralph SmithSmith’s work on modeling, control and uncertainty quantification of smart material systems is considered among the best in the field. His research has included the development of an influential unified theory that describes hysteresis in ferroic materials. He joined the NC State faculty in 1998.

Subhashis GhoshalGhoshal is known for his work on high and infinite dimensional models, Bayesian inference and various applications of nonparametric Bayesian methodologies. He joined the NC State faculty in 2001.

Seth SullivantSullivant is recognized for his work on developing and applying techniques from algebra (in particular, algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and combinatorics) to theoretical and computational problems in statistics and biology. He joined the NC State faculty in 2008.

Sandra YuterYuter is an expert in distilling information on weather and climate. Her work focuses on basic and applied science questions related to clouds and precipitation. She joined the NC State faculty in 2005.

This post was originally published in College of Sciences News.