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CMB – Elliott Holliday

Riddick 314

Title: Learning chaos using machine learning
Host: Karen Daniels

CMB – Vrinda Desai

Riddick 314

Title: Applying Complex Network Theory to Investigate the Fate of Creeping Landslides
Host: Karen Daniels

CMB – Michael Norman

Riddick 314

Title: Connectivity and Contraction in Simulated Cytoskeletal Networks

CMB – Ming Liu

Riddick 314

Title: Protein-induced DNA Conformation Changes under Nanoconfinement

CMB – Mansoor Haider

Riddick 314

Title: Mathematical Models for Extracellular Matrix Regeneration and Remodeling in Biological Soft TissuesAbstract: Many biological soft tissues exhibit complex interactions between passive (biophysical, biomechanical) mechanisms, and active physiological responses.  These interactions affect the ability of the tissue to remodel in order to maintain homeostasis, or govern alterations in tissue properties with aging and disease. In tissue engineering…