Title: Advancing Quantum Information Science and Technologies with Narrowband Entangled-Photon Generation in Neutral Atoms Abstract: Quantum information science stands at a transformative crossroads, poised to revolutionize diverse fields such as computing, cryptography, communication, networks, metrology, sensing, and imaging. Among various quantum systems, photonic qubits and neutral atoms shine as pivotal catalysts for this quantum revolution.…
Title: Gas Flows in the Milky Way Halo Abstract: Gas flows play crucial roles in galaxy evolution. Inflowing gas provides fuel for new star formation, while outflowing gas carries away the chemically-enriched products from earlier generations of stars. In the Milky Way, we have a front-row seat for viewing the multi-phase gas flows that circulate…
Title: Topology, Spin and Orbital in DNA-like Chiral Quantum Materials Abstract: In chemistry and biochemistry, chirality represents the structural asymmetry characterized by non-superimposable mirror images for a material like DNA. In physics, however, chirality commonly refers to the spin-momentum locking of a particle or quasiparticle in the momentum space. While seemingly unrelated characters in different…