Physics Colloquium: Dan Milisavljevic
Riddick 301 2401 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, United StatesTitle and Abstract details are forthcoming. Host: Jim Kneller
Title and Abstract details are forthcoming. Host: Jim Kneller
SCIENCE CAFE: CAUGHT IN THE ACT: ATOMS IN MOTION AND THE 2023 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS Grab a bite from the Daily Planet Cafe and join host Chris Smith and…
Title: Star Formation in the Galactic Center: The Role of Radiative Feedback Abstract: The presence of young, massive stars around the central black hole of the Milky Way suggests…
Title: Control of Segmentation Timing in the Zebrafish Notochord Abstract: Many developmental processes require coordination across multiple cells to achieve a common function. One way to achieve this harmony is…
Determination of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Transitions in Conjugated Systems via In-Situ Ellipsometric Methods
Lorentz Integral Transforms of Light Nuclei from Effective Field Theory
Efficient techniques for studying few-body resonances in nuclear physics
High-energy inclusive gluon production: precision frontier for central rapidity region
Title: Nuclear Structure and Isomer Studies for R-Process Nucleosynthesis Abstract: Neutron-capture-driven nucleosynthesis is believed to be responsible for the creation of most of the nuclei heavier than iron with one…