Final Defense- David Dickson
Riddick 400P 2401 Katherine Stinson Dr, Raleigh, NC, United StatesQuantifying the Efficiency of Roche Lobe Overflow in the Formation of Merging Black Hole Binaries
Quantifying the Efficiency of Roche Lobe Overflow in the Formation of Merging Black Hole Binaries
Interface-Engineered Phases of Superconducting Complex Oxide Thin Films
The LEAP! workshop invites high school students to investigate these questions inside the labs of working scientists at NC State.
The 2023 event will be held on Monday, Aug 14. You can sign up via this link at The Science House.
Instantons and asymptotic freedom
Introduction of New Graduate Students and announcement of the Philbrick Outstanding RA and TA award winners
Measurement of CEvNS with Germanium: First light with Ge-mini and beyond
Title: Interplays of Structural Chirality and Spin Phenomena in Chiral Matters Abstract: Coupling of spin and charge currents to structural chirality in non-magnetic materials, known as chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS),…
Title: Quantum Matter Meets Quantum Computing Abstract: Quantum computing has the potential to help us overcome the barriers that are presented by the end of Moore’s law. In the natural…
Conductance and Electrical Noise in Layered Mott Memristors
Investigation of Conjugated Polymers and Bulk Heterojunctions in Organic Electronics: Insights from Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy