Society of Physics Students
What is SPS?
The Society of Physics Students at North Carolina State University (SPS) is an organization dedicated to helping undergraduate physicists complete their degree and encouraging the public to take a greater interest in physics. SPS organizes social and academic events for our members, such as inviting exciting speakers and hosting movie nights. SPS also likes to get as many people as possible interested in physics by participating and organizing outreach, especially with local K-12 schools.
What does sps do?
Amazing Speakers
Social Events
Washington Elementary School STEM Night
Email us at to get one
How Can I Join?
If you’re a physics major you’re already a member of SPS, just keep an eye out for emails from us at your NCSU email address. If you’re not a physics major but still really like physics send an email to and we’ll get you on the mailing list.
Links You Might Like
Most of the week to week stuff will be sent out via the email list, but these are links to things that might be handy for anyone in SPS or interested in SPS.