Physics Colloquium: Dan Milisavljevic
Riddick 301 2401 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, United StatesTitle and Abstract details are forthcoming. Host: Jim Kneller
Title and Abstract details are forthcoming. Host: Jim Kneller
SCIENCE CAFE: CAUGHT IN THE ACT: ATOMS IN MOTION AND THE 2023 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS Grab a bite from the Daily Planet Cafe and join host Chris Smith and special guests for the Science Cafe. On the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7pm, gather with other curious minds at this after-hours event for…
Title: Star Formation in the Galactic Center: The Role of Radiative Feedback Abstract: The presence of young, massive stars around the central black hole of the Milky Way suggests a substantial mass inflow event to the Galactic Center approximately 3-6 million years ago. Numerical models of gas inflow toward a supermassive black hole show…
Title: Control of Segmentation Timing in the Zebrafish Notochord Abstract: Many developmental processes require coordination across multiple cells to achieve a common function. One way to achieve this harmony is through control of developmental timing, regulated by genetic species acting as biological timekeepers. In this talk, I will discuss evidence of an oscillatory system in…
Determination of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Transitions in Conjugated Systems via In-Situ Ellipsometric Methods
Lorentz Integral Transforms of Light Nuclei from Effective Field Theory
Efficient techniques for studying few-body resonances in nuclear physics
High-energy inclusive gluon production: precision frontier for central rapidity region
Title: Nuclear Structure and Isomer Studies for R-Process Nucleosynthesis Abstract: Neutron-capture-driven nucleosynthesis is believed to be responsible for the creation of most of the nuclei heavier than iron with one of the most dominant processes called the fast-neutron capture process or the r-process. To understand the exact path of the r-process and its link to…