Final Defense – Adam Lipman
Development of Simulations Framework to Study Trapped Particle Spin Dynamics Regarding the Search for an nEDM
Development of Simulations Framework to Study Trapped Particle Spin Dynamics Regarding the Search for an nEDM
Title: The Milky Way's Dynamic Atmosphere
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Investigating Nucleosynthesis in Massive AGB Stars with Transfer Reactions
Investigation of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Its Protection Mechanisms in Hybrid perovskites
Investigation of superfluorescence in perovskites
Title: From 2D foam yielding to foams like wood, a process-structure-property cycle
Mechanical probing reveals anchoring mechanism of the constricting contractile ring in fission yeast
The Universality of the Yang-Lee Edge Singularity in O(N) Models
Interpolating Quantum Electrodynamics in 3+1 Dimensions and Quantum Chromodynamics in 1+1 Dimensions between the Instant Form Dynamics and the Light-Front Dynamics