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Preliminary Exam – Gaurab Thapa

Partners II 1514

Mapping electronic disorder in organic solar cells reveals pathway to reducing nonradiative losses

Physics Colloquium: Rongmon Bordoloi

Riddick Hall 301

Title: The History of Cosmic Ecosystems: Hidden Drivers of Galaxy Evolution Abstract: In the last two decades, our understanding of how galaxies form and evolved have matured dramatically. The latest…

CMB Seminar: Xingcheng Lin

Riddick 314

Title: Genome Organization from the Ground Up -- Deciphering Molecular Mechanisms for Chromatin Organization Abstract: Chromatin structure tightly regulates gene expression and epigenetic processes. The nuclear environment is complex, featuring tension…

CMB Seminar: Lewis ‘Alex’ Rolband

Riddick 314

Title: Assessing the Biological Activities of DNA-Templated Silver Nanoclusters Abstract: DNA and RNA are structurally and functionally diverse biopolymers that have shown promise in recent years as a powerful biomedical…

Physics Seimnar: Justin Burton

Lampe Hall Room 243 111 Lampe Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Title: Integrating First-year Research Rotations into Physics Graduate Programs Abstract: The vast majority of physics graduate programs in the USA rely on 1-2 years of intensive classes followed by a…