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CMB Seminar: Jerry Honts

Riddick 314

Title: Structural and functional diversity of calcium-triggered contractile proteins in ciliates   Abstract: Ciliated protozoa employ conventional ATP-powered cytoskeletal motors, such as myosins, dyneins, and kinesins, for motility and intracellular transport.…

Final Defense – Xuanyi Zhang

Interfacial spin and structural interactions in magnetic thin films for spintronic applications

First Colloquium

Joint us for the introduction of new Graduate Students and the announcement of the Philbrick Outstanding Physics RA and TA winners

Physics Colloquium: Peter Levai

Title:  How does proton-proton collision look like for a high energy nuclear physicist? Abstract:  The basic aim of colliding heavy ions at ultra relativistic energies is to produce the new…

Preliminary Exam – Gaurab Thapa

Partners II 1514

Mapping electronic disorder in organic solar cells reveals pathway to reducing nonradiative losses

Physics Colloquium: Rongmon Bordoloi

Riddick Hall 301

Title: The History of Cosmic Ecosystems: Hidden Drivers of Galaxy Evolution Abstract: In the last two decades, our understanding of how galaxies form and evolved have matured dramatically. The latest…