Preliminary Exam – Canberk Guvendik
Riddick 202 (Grad Suite conference room)Gauge theory on Noncommutative Torus
Gauge theory on Noncommutative Torus
Title and Abstract details are forthcoming.
Title: Connecting Molecules and Forces with Rings and Loops Abstract: Animal cell shape is dictated by the actomyosin cytoskeleton, including the membrane-apposed cortex. The molecular parts list of the cortex…
Title: Photothermal Heating with Nanoparticles: Enhancing Electrical Conductivity in Composites and Water Vapor Formation in Hydrogels Abstract: Photothermal heating is the conversion of light into heat. When nanoparticles are embedded in…
Development of a solid deuterium UCN source and associated components for studies of systematic effects in nEDM measurements
Experimental Studies of 24Mg States and Their Impact on Nucleosynthesis in Globular Clusters
Title: A New Generation of Millimeter and Submillimeter Observations for Cosmology and Astrophysics Abstract: In our exciting era of experimental cosmology, rapid developments in instrumentation and highly sensitive superconducting detectors…
Photothermal heating with nanoparticles: enhancing electrical conductivity in composites and water vapor formation in hydrogels
Speaker: Anton Malko Title: Heralded Photons and Stimulated Emission Using Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Shells Abstract: Spherically shaped semiconductor nanoplatelets, called quantum shells (QSs) have recently attracted considerable attention as they exhibit strongly suppressed…
Title and abstract details are forthcoming.